Thursday 10 October 2013

       Facing this story, lot of people will confuse this behavior, because they can not understand why did father kill his son for money. Is that money more important than his son? I thinks that father went to the extreme. As a father, he has the responsibility to teach and take care of his son, providing money to support him as well untill his son are 18 years old. As a son, he should respect and appreciate his parents for giving all their best to him, such as money and love. But in this story, there exist many problem between them, the most paramount thing is communication. if they lack of communication, they can not understand each other better and easier. In a long period, they will have a feeling that they are not family, so when the son got won lottory, he never thought about share with his family helpng them inproving their life, at the same time, his father killed his son for money. It is a tragedy.
        there are also an other factor to influence the result, that is money. therefore we have to think about is money good or not. In this situation, what makes the father kill his son, the answer is money, 6million money. money will let a good man turn out to be a devil. we can suspect if he did not win lottory, the result will be different, maybe they will live together happily forever. as a consequence, money is important, but we should control our emotion, we can not lose our mind for money, we should overcome greed.    

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