Sunday 10 November 2013

Humans can live forever

 We might be able to live forever, thanks to a mouse. An experiment was succeeded by  Dr Jay Vacanti in 1997.  In the experiment, an ear can be grown on the back of a mouse. Therefore, this result indicates that any organ can be "grown" in the near future. This seems a perfect cure for humans, especially those who lost their ears or other parts of their body.
 However, the success of this experiment should be discussed in terms of morality. If this experimant was applied to practical use, human can make evry organ which they want. It means humans can live literally forever. We maight be able to clone a human by using this method. It is against human ethics, and we have to think about that carefully.
It is illustrated fro an unbelievable picture in BBC news that a sort of artificial ear is available in live rat. And experts also assert that liver can be implanted in the similar way. Perhaps, from an ordinary people's perspective, the appearance of the testees tend to looks very eccentric creatures which always arise in science fiction movies.
It is undiable that artificial tissues of animals may have positive effects on our lives in several aspects. Due to increasing demands of people's transplant resource,experts have responsibilities to find solutions to potential substitutes. Thus, exploitation of mammals such as rats trigger a great improvement of artificial tissues in medical service. Abviously, the material of the experiment need to be proved by biological testing. Moreover, many neglect the weakness that threr is no solution to ensure these implants disinfected.
In summary,I tend to hlod a rosy attitude that implants of animals will definately make contribution in reality after experts overcome the related current problems.

Artificial Liver' could be grown.

"In 1997 Dr Jay Vacanti grew a human ear from cartilage cells the back of a mouse, causing outrage among animal rights and pro-life groups"(BBC,2002).  This is  considered as one of the amazing invention of humans. Human ears can gets damaged due to reasons like fire, accidents, fights etc. Ears plays a vital role in our human body like any other part of the body. Having one or no ear, life of humans become miserable. It is necessary for us to have both ears. In case a human looses an ear, today it is easy to transplant from a "Vacanti mouse"(S. Kruzelnicki,2006).

Dr Vacanti is a transplant surgeon at Massachussetts General Hospital in Bostan and Jeffrey Borestein, micro engineering expert at the nearby Drabper lab are trying to grow more complex tissues. Though scientist believe that no more complex tissues can be grown than simple tissues like thin sections of knee cartilage and skin because of problems growing the blood vessel network. The "Vacanti mouse" scientists suggested that one day there is a possibility to grow a liver. According to BBC Blog, there are only around 100 people waiting for a liver transplant. On the other hand, the British Liver Trust says many of them die before they reach the list. The experts have already warned that the laboratory based research is a long way from working livers(2002).  Scientist are already working hard on the technology which can help to grow a artificial liver for the benefit of human beings.  One of the major problems of this research would be getting all the right cell growing in the right places says Linda Griffith who is a tissue engineer at MIT. The reason behind her idea is that a human liver has got around 100 million cells in just a gram of liver. As a result it will be very hard to position each cell at the right place. There is no found to keep those implants sterile and no one in fact at that point says Larry Hench, a tissue engineer at Imperial College at London. Nigel Hughes the chief executive of British Liver Trust, Told BBC News Online that if this problem is not sorted out, they experts would be stuck with lab based solution which they will not be able to use.(Thursday 25, April 2002)To conclude, It would a great miracle and achievement on the planet. On the contrary, scientist do believe that it is a project next to impossible as there are many hurdles reaching the goal. We can positively hope that scientist and experts finds a way to grow an artificial liver.  


BBC,(2002,April,25). Artificial liver `could be grown'. BBC News. Retreived    from       
 S.Kruszelnicki,K.(2006,June,2). Mouse with human ear. ABC sceince. Retreived from

The Vacanti mouse experiments are a good advanced in terms of medical advancement, with the similarity of DNA between human and mouse, it's not possible in the future human can produce liver in mouse.
the advancement in medical like vacanti mouse can lead into another experiments such as finding a cure for aids and cancer. the writer is agree with the Dr Vacanti because it may lead into the possible medical advancement in the future. because experiments using mice are the easiest way, furthermore mice can reproduce every 50 days with large number quantity. let's hope that in the future, human can reach the advancement in medical science, clone's perhaps? Andhika Gunawan - 20131716 Reference:

Saturday 9 November 2013

 it is crude that people make experiment to animals for their beaty needs. in the situation, a human ear was grown in the back of mouse which it will die in advance. mouse is living creture, they have feeling and can feel painful. they even do not like be locked in a cage and seperated with their friends.there are some regulation was made to prevent animals from experiment. it will hurt them during a experiment. they are our friends, if people do not like looking strange, why they do that? they have the same right as human beings. human without ear can still hear songs, but when we cut the ear grown in mouse's back. it die. therefore i am against this kind of experiment.

EAP2 Blog Topic

Hi all,

Had trouble with the computer at work.

As discussed go to this website to learn about the Vacanti Mouse:

In addition, do some research and write a paragraph about the issue that is important to you (such as ethical issues or animal rights).


Thursday 10 October 2013

The news "Brazil lottery winner escapes murder plot" was a cruel fact about consequences of the lack of affection. In my opinion, his father was not fulfilling his obligation when Fabio was young. The main reason which led him to the extreme was lack of parental affection and communication. That was a serious problem between his father and himself. Moreover, it’s a serious problem that the entire society must tackle so that to stop similar incidents from happening again. Children in the absence of love and warm environments tend to form a ruthless, selfish personality. Education and family affection are highly necessary in order to crack down the possible of criminal behavior. 
       Facing this story, lot of people will confuse this behavior, because they can not understand why did father kill his son for money. Is that money more important than his son? I thinks that father went to the extreme. As a father, he has the responsibility to teach and take care of his son, providing money to support him as well untill his son are 18 years old. As a son, he should respect and appreciate his parents for giving all their best to him, such as money and love. But in this story, there exist many problem between them, the most paramount thing is communication. if they lack of communication, they can not understand each other better and easier. In a long period, they will have a feeling that they are not family, so when the son got won lottory, he never thought about share with his family helpng them inproving their life, at the same time, his father killed his son for money. It is a tragedy.
        there are also an other factor to influence the result, that is money. therefore we have to think about is money good or not. In this situation, what makes the father kill his son, the answer is money, 6million money. money will let a good man turn out to be a devil. we can suspect if he did not win lottory, the result will be different, maybe they will live together happily forever. as a consequence, money is important, but we should control our emotion, we can not lose our mind for money, we should overcome greed.    

After reading this news“Brazil lottery winner escapes murder plot”, I found that one of the big issue is the relationship between sun and his father. Communication in one family is very important, obviously, theirs family lack it, so sun and father can not understand each other.It is the main reason causes this accident. In my view, the sun is a selfish he have the responsibility take care for his parents, gives a part of money to his father for support them,

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The story "Brazil lottery winner escapes murder plot" is an excellent example of lack of family relationships between father and son. The major issue was lack of an emotional link and understanding among them. Though money is considered as the the primary component for living a balanced life. However other matter of concerns include lack of family values, morals, ethics, upbringing of young ones. I personally believe that family relationship and values are important to me. The significance behind family relationship and values is everyone cares and looks after one another in any celebrations as well as in problems. A person without a family is very lonely. Such a person always lacks a moral as well as monetary support when in need. Father and son problem can be dealt by personally talking  and discussing the situation with each other. Both should mutually believe, trust and understand and respect their feelings about the situation. As a result, they can acquire a proper solution about the problem. This complication arise due to lack of belief, trust and mutual understanding among them.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Blog 1

Hi All,
Please go to the following website:
1.        Read the article
2.       Then identify the issues and choose one issue to write a comment
3.       Your blog must be posted before Friday


Blog 1

Hi All,
Please go to the following website:
1.        Read the article
2.       Then identify the issues and choose one issue to write a comment
3.       Your blog must be posted before Friday
